The Americans converted the plane into a limousine » AUTO-ROCK.RU - Новости автомира
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  • Masonic
  • 11 июнь 2024
  • 10 349
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The Americans converted the plane into a limousine

The Jetsetter company presented a limousine built on the basis of a business jet. The presentation of the new product took place at the KnowledgeFest mobile electronics exhibition. The car, called Lear Jet, was equipped with a V8 gasoline unit and was approved for use on public roads.
Development of Lear Jet began back in 2006, and ended only a couple of days ago. The body of the airplane limousine received a special color - Red Carpet. Inside there are several seats, a powerful audio system, as well as LED ceiling and floor lighting. The idea of ​​this creation belongs to Danno Harris and Frank De Angelo. Since the use of aircraft jet engines greatly complicated the task of legalizing this vehicle as a car, the authors of the project replaced them with a unit more familiar to cars

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